
SQNPI Certification

The evolution of Tenute Rubino knows no stopping: the theme of environmental sustainability is daily fueled by agricultural practices aimed at respecting nature and minimizing the environmental impact of all agricultural phases. Since 2016, the company has been adhering to SQNPI (National Quality System for Integrated Production) with certification from the CSQA Certification Body for grape and olive vineyards.

Cultivation practices on the estates, in addition to complying with disciplinary and SQNPI national system requirements, are also adopted according to a more “restrictive” corporate philosophy. Much attention is dedicated to the use of water resources by choosing not to use irrigation for production, but only as an “emergency” solution. This choice is an advantageous production strategy to improve product quality, albeit at the expense of production quantities, and to safeguard the water resources of the territory and the quality of the soils. Also, for weed control, Tenute Rubino has replaced chemical methods with mechanical ones.

EQUALITAS Certification

Targeted and linear interventions to minimize the impact on the surrounding environment are, in summary, the best practices implemented over the years by Tenute Rubino and now recognized through the achievement of the Equalitas certification module “Sustainable Organization”. This certification evaluates the sustainable approach of winemaking companies based on three different criteria: environmental (carbon and water footprint), social towards collaborators and all stakeholders, and economic.

Equalitas – a social consortium leader in the wine and agri-food sector, directly connected to FederDOC and UIV – has particularly praised Tenute Rubino’s ability to maximize human capital within its entrepreneurial reality. The company decisively focuses on involving corporate stakeholders and integrated, inclusive training as a tool for business growth. This approach represents a fundamental means to consolidate and expand the professional skills of its employees, fostering a process of cultural and organizational evolution in line with the sustainability and eco-sustainability requirements defined by the Equalitas SOPD Standard. Through the Equalitas certification – Sustainable Organization, wine companies will have the opportunity to communicate the company’s ‘Sustainability Management System’ and annually publish their own balance sheet, ensuring and demonstrating to all stakeholders a continuous improvement in business performance.

The new cellar

The new cellar at the Jaddico Estate has been designed with sustainability as its common denominator. Every component of the structure has been carefully selected with the perspective of minimizing energy and water consumption at every level of the production process. Additionally, all spaces will be insulated for natural temperature control, minimizing the impact on the environment and aiming to create a welcoming style that seeks to make the encounter with the winemaking tradition of Brindisi unforgettable and sustainable.

Nuova cantina e sostenibilità | Tenute Rubino | Casa del Susumaniello

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