
The smell that comes out of the kitchen whets the appetite, the table is well laid and guests are coming. Everything is ready for the dinner on the terrace you were waiting for a long time. Now you can finally use your brand new outdoor table, causing once more wonder and admiration among diners. The wine has been carefully selected to best match each course. Everything is going great, when your conscience hits you with a sudden thought: no one put the wine in the fridge. It...

Dear Friends, the temperature is rising and naturally, our diet is changing towards a different style, in order to avoid digesting issues. Thus, let’s shunt the baked pork shin recipe (yes, we know that you were getting rather clever at it) and start to prepare delicious rice salads, cold pasta and light recipes in general. Just like changing the wardrobe from winter to summer, our wine consumption habits must vary accordingly. We would like to give you three easy tips to appreciate wine at its best, even when the temperature is above 30...

Since a few weeks, our vineyards have a charming green colour. The vegetative phase of plant growth has gradually been substituted by the blooming one and walking through the rows is a regenerating experience. A couple of weeks ago we spent some time at the Jaddico estate, with this and other purposes in mind. Because even if we work for a farm, when you spend all your working time inside the office, you risk losing the fundamental connection with the land, with the soil. Our ladies were busy with green pruning the vines and taught us the...

  Dear friends of Tenute Rubino, welcome back. It is now three months since Vinitaly 2015 and we started missing the temporary blog experience, because we really liked it. So much that we decided to reactivate this informal, intimate communication channel, with which we can tell you about people and episodes related to the magical art of winemaking. Here in Salento summer is already ongoing, even though the calendar says it is not true. In these hot days, the attendance of Roséxpo and Negroamaro wine festival engaged us totally, getting to sacrifice even the vision of...

Last week we received great news: our Punta Aquila 2012 was awarded silver medal at the MUNDUS VINI International competition. A prize that coincides with the official presentation of a new special packaging of the same wine, now available in a very smart magnum bottle too. The 1,5 litre bottle is the most common amongst special formats, its name suddenly reminds of grandeur. A magnificence that is emphasized even more while rising through the inviting scale of special sizes. The usage of the French word grandeur is not casual, because throughout history big...

Francesco Schirinzi, Sales area manager for the Brindisi province, is in charge of the important task of representing Tenute Rubino on its very own territory, on the land on which the company’s vineyards and headquarters lie. A territory full of natural treasures, of which the monumental olive trees valley is one of the main gems. The millennial olive trees valley a UNESCO World Heritage site. When I first read about it, I taught “Wow, I wish it were!”. How much would our territory benefit from such an...

Massimiliano Lucia is Sales area manager Italia at Tenute Rubino. His job requires frequent and long journeys. On the road, music is a loyal travel buddy. Vinitaly is about to start and the team that is going to represent Tenute Rubino in Verona is already packing. In order to relax during the long journey from Brindisi to the heart of Veneto, I’ve cherry-picked a few songs, for a great wine playlist. Songs and wine, a perfect match. How many songs do you know about wine? Here in Salento there is plenty of...

  Angelo Turi is in charge of wine tourism and online communication at Tenute Rubino. Sommelier and journalist, in this post he gives us meaningful considerations about consumption choices when it comes to wine, and not only that. Certain choices can change your life. Choosing a wine instead of another is not one of those, perhaps. Nevertheless when we choose a wine, either at the supermarket or at the restaurant and in a bar, we are unconsciously taking a position. At the end of the 20th century, the New...

Luigi is Tenute Rubino’s owner. The company named after his family has a mission: to promote the quality of native local varieties. Within this productive philosophy, Susumaniello is THE product of Tenute Rubino, a company that is preparing for Vinitaly 2015 with a clear vision: consumers ask for authenticity, Susumaniello is the answer. The Susumaniello grapes are Brindisi wine fingerprints. Tenute Rubino is located in the middle of Salento, the land at the very end of Puglia formed by the provinces of Lecce, Taranto and Brindisi. While Negroamaro rules...

Romina Leopardi is head of Marketing and Communications at Tenute Rubino. All the choices that concern the corporate image are under her control. Thus, her voice is the most appropriate in order to tell the story of the preparation of Vinitaly 2015, from the point of view of an exhibitor. Vinitaly is one of the main appointments of our yearly schedule. To take part in the fair means to participate to the biggest gathering of wine stakeholders in Italy, thus having the chance of renewing professional...